Call Today: (206) 657-7664 F: (253) 944-9050


Effective Performance Physical Therapy for Injury, Surgery, and Fitness

Performance physical therapy can be used to treat injuries, rehabilitate after surgery or address barriers to health, fitness, athletic or performance goals.  The road to addressing all of these concerns is often demanding and challenging.  Our simple goal is to provide the most effective route that gets you back to health, fitness and happiness!

Our Specialties

Injuries That We Treat

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Waterland Performance is an “out of network” or “cash based” physical therapy provider. This means that we do not participate with any insurance plans directly. We choose this arrangement in accord with our mission and philosophy to provide the highest level of care and individualized treatment possible in the current model of health care. This allows us to focus the entire appointment on your needs without distraction, or any limitations with treatment options as is the case with insurance guided care. Further, this generally allows progress to occur more rapidly, commonly needing LESS appointments than a traditional clinic. With that, out of pocket costs for patients are often lower over the entire course of care.

55 minute physical therapy appointments are $165.00, paid via any of the normal fee for service options (cash, debit, credit card, PayPal, Venmo, etc.). Though we do not bill insurance plans directly, we ARE able to accept Health Savings Account (HSA) cards or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards if your plan has one of those. Lastly, some insurance policies will allow you to submit to them our receipt (often with a form we or they provide) for partial or full reimbursement. The details of that process are best found either on the insurance company’s website or through direct contact with them via email or phone.

Other Services

(Contact us for pricing and details)